Belle and Sebastian
Why are they the only band I've felt like listening to for the past several months? Specifically, the second CD on the album Push Barman to Open Old Wounds.

I love their soothing and calming style. The music flows; you feel like you're drifting down a stream when you listen to it. Though the music itself is primarily major, upbeat and positive in a natural, quiet way, it's not necessarily happy.
Often, the text doesn't fit the music, which is something else I love about them. The melodies and harmonies can be quick-paced and major, but they somehow weave darker themes into the text. They'll often sing about death as if it's a completely normal and natural part of every day life (which it is, though we in our safe, clean, youth-idolizing western culture tend to repress it).
They're also perfect in their imperfection. Sometimes one of the instruments isn't completely on beat and sometimes you have the feeling that someone is singing slightly off key. But you never have the feeling that they're being show-offy or striving for the perfect recording; they simply seem to love making their music.
Is it normal to listen to one CD for months at a time? Or one band? Who knows... but if you choose to do so, then I'd recommend Belle and Sebastian.

I love their soothing and calming style. The music flows; you feel like you're drifting down a stream when you listen to it. Though the music itself is primarily major, upbeat and positive in a natural, quiet way, it's not necessarily happy.
Often, the text doesn't fit the music, which is something else I love about them. The melodies and harmonies can be quick-paced and major, but they somehow weave darker themes into the text. They'll often sing about death as if it's a completely normal and natural part of every day life (which it is, though we in our safe, clean, youth-idolizing western culture tend to repress it).
They're also perfect in their imperfection. Sometimes one of the instruments isn't completely on beat and sometimes you have the feeling that someone is singing slightly off key. But you never have the feeling that they're being show-offy or striving for the perfect recording; they simply seem to love making their music.
Is it normal to listen to one CD for months at a time? Or one band? Who knows... but if you choose to do so, then I'd recommend Belle and Sebastian.
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